• Urban Scene

    This brief was called 'Mixed Media Image Making' with the subject Urban Scene. I was approached to create a double page spread using my final Urban Scene design. This is how I tackled the brief.

    I started off by researching artists that use a range of traditional and none traditional techniques such as Neasden Control Centre, Non Format, Julien Vallee and many more which helped and inspired me for some of my designs shown further on.

    After researching artists I went out to take some of my own images which could be used in my designs. These are a few of the images I took. My images were took in Leeds, Middlesbrough, Wakefield and London.

    I used these photos to create collages. I used a guillotine to cut these images up leaving space between them, mixing the two images together or pushing them closer together to make them look distorted and more interesting. 

    This is a piece of work which was inspired by one of the artists I had researched - Neasden Control Centre. This was a perfect artist to base work around as their work is very urban with their sketches of streets and citys. I decided to sketch out one of the photos I had took in NCCs style.

    This was something I found very interesting and caught my eye whilst walking streets taking images. I took a photo, sketched it out and also researched about tagging and graffiti, then looked into Banksy.

    I loved the tag so much I created my own design, taking a photo of my friend and using image trace on Illustrator deleting some of the black space so i had minimal features.

     I printed this out and created a stencil by using a scalpel. I then used spray paint. 

    I also used the stencil with the spray paint outline and put different materials behind it such as coloured paper and brick wall that I took a photo of myself. I also used different coloured paints. 

    I took my designs into Photoshop and tried different effects to make it look like it was actually spray painted on the wall. These were my final designs which were going on my article. 

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